


  • 需要解答



(T1) Super Luminal Galaxies (10 points)

Read the statements given below and state if they are true or false:

(a) For some galaxies the apparent recession speed exceeds the speed of light.

(b) The velocity – Distance relation as given by Hubble cannot allow recession velocities to exceed the speed of light.

(c) Hubble-Lemaitre’s law (formerly known as Hubble’s Law) does not violate special relativity.

(d) If some galaxies would have an apparent recession speed exceeding the speed of light, then the photons from those galaxies can never reach us.

(e) As the expansion of Universe is accelerating, photons emitted right now from galaxies which have apparent recession speed equal to the speed of light will never reach us.


(T1) 超光速星系 (10分)

阅读下列叙述, 并判断对错

(a) 一些星系的视退行速度超过光速

(b) 哈勃给出的速度-距离关系不允许退行速度超过光速

(c) 哈勃-勒梅特定律(从前叫做哈勃定律)不违背狭义相对论

(d) 如果一些星系的视退行速度超过光速,那么这些星系上发出的光子永远无法到达地球

(e) 由于宇宙的膨胀加速, 视退行速度等于光速的星系上的光子发出的光永远无法到达地球