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(T1) True or False

Determine if each of the following statements is True or False. In the Summary Answersheet, tick the correct answer (TRUE / FALSE) for each statement. No justifications are necessary for this question.

(T1.1) In a photograph of the clear sky on a Full Moon night with a sufficiently long exposure, the colour of the sky would appear blue as in daytime.

(T1.2) An astronomer at Bhubaneswar marks the position of the Sun on the sky at 05: 00 UT every day of the year. If the Earth's axis were perpendicular to its orbital plane, these positions would trace an arc of a great circle.

(T1.3) If the orbital period of a certain minor body around the Sun in the ecliptic plane is less than the orbital period of Uranus, then its orbit must necessarily be fully inside the orbit of Uranus.

(T1.4) The centre of mass of the solar system is inside the Sun at all times.

(T1.5) A photon is moving in free space. As the Universe expands, its momentum decreases.




(T1.1) 在曝光时间足够长的晴朗满月夜晚天空的照片中,天空的颜色会像白天一样是蓝色的。

(T1.2) 布巴内什瓦尔的一位天文学家在一年中的每天的世界时05:00标记太阳在天空中的位置。如果地轴垂直于地球的轨道面,这些位置将构成大圆上的弧。

(T1.3) 如果黄道面上某个小体绕太阳的轨道周期小于天王星的轨道周期,那么它的轨道必然完全在天王星轨道内。

(T1.4) 太阳系的质量中心永远在太阳内部。

(T1.5) 一个光子在自由空间中运动。由于宇宙膨胀,其动量会减小。